How To Start A New Life When You Are About To Quit

How To Start A New Life When You Are About To Quit

How are you? Most people say, “I’m good.” But are you? It’s okay to feel like everything is not okay. Life is complicated! Everyone experiences disappointments at times, but it’s important to know how to move forward. Keep reading to learn how to...
What is best in life?

What is best in life?

Hey there, what is best in life? To be extremely rich? To have a family who loves you? To be happy and peaceful every day of your life? To be your own boss? To work, relax, and make money whenever you feel like it. To enjoy and have fun? Or to have a healthy mix of...
When you try your best and don’t succeed

When you try your best and don’t succeed

Have you ever been in a position where you give your all to something but still end up failing? Perhaps it was in your business, school work, marriage, office work, investments, career, relationships, etc. Regardless of your age and stage in life, I’m pretty sure...