How are you?

Most people say, “I’m good.” But are you? It’s okay to feel like everything is not okay. Life is complicated! Everyone experiences disappointments at times, but it’s important to know how to move forward.

Keep reading to learn how to start a new life when you are about to quit.

If you feel hopeless right now, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there and have had these moments. Yes, even that person who you would least expect to – we have all been tempted to give up and quit at some point. But that’s not the answer.

Do you feel like you are about to quit right now?

If you are, you might be feeling:

  1. Like nothing matters. There’s no point in moving forward, so you might as well quit.
  2. Sorry for yourself. Like the world, or God or the universe owes you something.
  3. Like life is tough right now, things are hard, but you have to move forward.

Like I said – you’re not alone. We have all been at one time A, B, or C. It’s even possible to be all 3 at the same time. No matter which one describes you, I want you to know that:

Just when you think you are about to quit, you can start a new life.

What you’ll learn in this article: 

  • Starting a new life when you are about to quit involves making changes
  • 6 positive habits we recommend
  • New habits require you to learn and grow

Starting a new life requires making life changes

Starting a new life requires making life changes


Moving forward is difficult and sometimes feels impossible. However, this is the point where you must draw the line and say, “No. I will not give up. I will not allow myself to be defeated. I will overcome and triumph.” If we want to overcome the negativity and win, we must change our mindset.

It’s okay if you’re feeling down. The point is not to stay there. You have to move forward. Don’t give up, and don’t quit. So, how do you get out of a slump and start a new life when you’re about to quit? We’ve gathered up the best habits for regaining feelings of hope and moving forward with your life.

6 positive habits we recommend

If you’re about to quit, starting a new life begins with making changes little by little. By creating new habits in your life, you will start to become a better version of yourself. Instead of focusing on all the bad happening, you will have more time to spend on the new, good things you have added to your routine.




Physical activity is a vital component of a healthy body and mind. If you can, take a bike ride, go for a jog, jump in the water, or do some stretching. Not only will it make you stronger and more physically fit, but exercise also releases endorphins in your body, creating good and positive feelings.

In addition to endorphins, exercise releases even more feel-good natural chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. These can improve your attitude and mood! A little physical assertion can give you a much-needed boost of self-esteem and confidence. Get moving!

Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and Meditation


You are here for a reason. You matter. Each day that you wake up is a gift and an invitation to change your life. Every day when you wake up, give thanks that you are alive. Throughout the day, look for things in your life to be grateful for. There are a lot if you go looking. Try to write them down!

Just breathe. When you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, practice deep breathing for several minutes. Lie in bed and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Getting proper breaths allows much-needed oxygen to enter your body, and it is very soothing.

The first thing in the morning is also a good time to block out the outside world and pray and meditate. Calm your mind, give thanks, and ask for guidance to navigate you through the day. Relax, and allow the feeling of peace to wash over you.

Get a Hobby

Get a Hobby paiting


It is very crucial to take the time for yourself and do something you truly enjoy doing. Take music lessons, plant a garden, go golfing, paint a picture, try sailing, or cast a fishing line. Having a hobby is part of having a constructive lifestyle. These are things you can appreciate and have fun doing.

Doing things you enjoy can help rid your mind of toxic thoughts. When you take part in what you have a passion for, it gives you a sense of purpose and empowerment. There is no shortage of leisure activities. You can pick up more hobbies anytime. Having a positive outlet will help you to thrive.

Counseling and Therapy

Counseling and Therapy


Unfortunately, this subject can be taboo. There sometimes seems to be a stigma that goes along with seeking out therapy. However, this is a silly notion, and plenty of people benefit from counseling and therapy.

Talking to a therapist is a significant way to release your feelings and emotions to a professional.

They are educated to assess individuals and their respective situations. They can try to help people find the origin of where their troubles stem from. Then they give advice and methods of how to cope with their issues.

Sometimes just speaking your worries aloud will help you to sort them out. Counseling and therapy are a pleasant experience and is typically extremely effective.

Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet


Your whole body is connected, which means it is super important to take good care of it. Eating enough fruits, vegetables, good fats, and proteins will help you to obtain the proper nutrients that your brain needs to function properly.

A key component of having a healthy body and mind is eating a clean diet. Get out your blender or juicer and whip yourself up a delectable and nutritious fruit and veggie shake. Dark leafy greens contain an abundance of vitamins A, B, and C, while meats such as salmon provide vitamins B12, D, and iron.

Get your daily dose of protein and good oils with a handful of nuts for a snack. Check out your favorite healthy chef online, and learn to create scrumptious, healthy meals. Your body and mind will thank you.

Minute to Minute

minute to minute


When things become too overwhelming, slow down, and stop. Your brain can get bogged down with all your duties, decisions, and fears. Sometimes you have to take things day to day, hour to hour, or minute to minute.

Try to clear your mind of all of the clutter of day-to-day life and focus on one thing at a time. It is much simpler to accomplish one task than many and much easier to worry about one issue at a time instead of two.

If it’s too daunting to think about a full day, sometimes you have to think about things only in the exact present- minute to minute. This takes practice, but once you master it, your mental state will feel much more organized and at ease.

Creating positive changes and habits requires you to learn and grow

Remember, you are not alone. Many people are struggling in similar ways and feel how you do. Life is chaotic and brutal at times, but no matter how hard things get, don’t ever quit. You have a purpose and calling in this life.

Even when it feels like all is doom and gloom, there is always a silver lining to every cloud. There is always a solution, and there is always a chance for a fresh start.

I hope you found this guide helpful on how to start a new life when you are about to quit. You are well on your way to starting anew with a positive mindset, and with these 6 positive habits, you will be ready to take on the world!