Hey there, the good news is here. Are you tired of your exercise routines? Do you want to build your chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles? When those ladies see you, they will fall for you.

Are you also looking for a new exercise routine that you can add to your existing workout? Well, consider yourself lucky, as you will learn some new workout routines in this article. This routine will help you build your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Don’t believe us? Don’t worry; after we list them, you can try them and see if they work or not. 

The following are different types of shoulder, chest, and tricep workouts you can add to your workout routine.

15 chest shoulder triceps workouts to add to your fitness routine

  1. The close-grip bench press

You will need barbell equipment to perform this particular shoulder, chest, and tricep workout. Doing this workout will help build your chest and triceps together. Your triceps will be made to work harder as a result of the hands coming closer together.

How do you perform this?

  • You will have to hold the barbell with an overgrip. Then try to make your shoulders stay apart while also holding above your sternum with your arms entirely straight.
  • Pull the bar down, pause for a little while, then release the bar to the starting point. You can do this for as long as you want.
  1. Rope tricep pull down

The goal of this workout is to help build your tricep muscles. To do this, you will have to concentrate on the tricep muscles fully. You don’t need to use any weight-lifting tools to perform this workout.

How do you perform this workout?

  • You must fasten a rope handle to a high cable station pulley. You’ll flex your arms and adopt an overhand grip to hold the bar. Also, your shoulder has to be wide apart. Additionally, tuck your arms by your sides.
  • Slowly return to the starting position without using your upper arms while pushing the bar down until your elbows are locked.
  1. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This is another shoulder, chest, and triceps workout you can try. This particular workout is focused on the shoulder area of the body. This workout will require the use of two dumbbells and a seat. 

The dumbbell will help you keep your balance and distribution tighter by preventing you from favoring one body part over the other. You will also need a bit of coordination to perform this workout successfully.

How do you go about this workout?

  • While seated on a low-back bench, grab the dumbbells in each hand close to your shoulder height with your palms facing forward.
  • Lift the dumbbells overhead toward one another while maintaining a straight spine and head.
  • Hold the position for a while, then slowly reverse direction. You can do this over and over again till you get tired.
  • It is vital that you use your core during this workout while also ensuring that your back is not arched.
  1. Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press

This is another workout that you can use to build your shoulder muscles. Not only that, but this workout can also help your general body shape if done correctly.

How do you go about this workout?

To achieve this particular workout, you will have to follow the following steps:

  • One, ensure that your feet are well-spaced and the same width as your shoulder. Then hold the barbell at your shoulders with your palms facing up.
  • Now, it is time for you to push the bar upwards while squeezing your shoulder blades together at the peak.
  • Bring your hands down slowly and carefully.
  • Also, avoid making your back arch when performing this workout.
  1. Bench Press

The bench press is another chest, shoulder, and triceps workout you can add to your workout routine. This workout focuses on your chest area while also engaging the shoulder and triceps muscles. 

To carry out this workout, you will have to start slowly with moderate loading while gradually increasing the number of weights per set. 

How to perform the bench press?

  • You must lie on a bench, then pull your shoulder blades together and down, while your back is in an arch position.
  • Next, hold the bar wider and let your shoulder width be apart.
  • Inhale deeply, hold it, then remove the bar from its rack.
  • Bring the bar down to your chest region slowly. You must now raise the bar back to its initial position.
  • While in the highest position, take another breath, then perform the same sequence. You can do this many times, depending on your level of endurance.
  1. Overhead Triceps Extension

This workout focuses on the triceps, and you will require a single dumbbell to carry it out. 

How do you go about this workout?

To start, you will have to be in a standing position and then hold the dumbbell behind your back. While your arms are straight and your hips are wide apart,

Also, you have to ensure that your upper arms are around your ear region. Your hands should also be on top of the bar, then bend your elbows to give you the freedom to be able to move the weights slowly behind you.

Pause for a little while to straighten your arms while returning to the starting position. You can perform this for as long as you like.

  1. Front Raise

This is another shoulder, chest, and triceps workout that you could try. This workout is for building the shoulder muscles. The workout also takes a lot of effort, so you should be ready to deal with pain in your shoulder area. You will need a weight plate or barbell to perform this workout.

How do you perform this workout?

  • First, you must keep your hands at hip height while holding the weight in front of you.
  • Then you should ensure that your feet are even with your shoulder, and your core area should be tight.
  • Next, pull in your shoulder blades and bring the weight up to your shoulders while maintaining a straight arm position.
  • Ensure you are taking in a lot of air while bringing the weight down.
  • Repeat this sequence for as long as you like.
  1. Incline Dumbbell Presses

Here is another workout that you can try out. To perform this workout, you will need an incline bench, not a flat bench. This is to get the maximum results from the workout. You can also decide to use a barbell for this particular workout. But you should use the dumbbell for better motion.

Additionally, you must adjust your incline chair to about 30 degrees. This is to ensure that your upper chest is fully activated.

How do you perform incline dumbbell presses?

  • Raise the dumbbells to a starting position while seated on the bench.
  • Exhale while lifting the dumbbells to straight arms.
  • Inhale when you reach the top or slowly lower the dumbbells back to your shoulders.
  1. Skullcrushers (Lying Triceps Extensions)

Don’t let the name scare you. It’s nothing too serious. Only there are numerous versions of this exercise, and they all involve elbow extension. The long and lateral tricep heads come into action as the upper arms are locked. When performing this workout.

To build your long triceps, you must use the incline bench to perform this workout. Also, using the decline bench will help focus on your lateral triceps head.

How do you perform the skull crusher?

  • Grab the EZ bar on the inner grips while using an overhand grip. Then extend your arms straight up.
  • Gradually lower the bar until it is about an inch from your forehead while keeping your elbows firmly planted and tucked in. Ensure that your upper arms are parallel to the floor at all times.
  • Return your arms to the starting position slowly while avoiding locking your elbows.
  1. Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise

This is another shoulder, chest, and triceps workout focusing on the body’s shoulder area. You can do this workout seated or in a standing position. However, you can use it to build your general body physique.

How do you perform this workout?

  • Start by holding a light dumbbell in each hand, maintaining your back flat, your knees slightly bent, and your eyes fixated on a set spot on the floor.
  • Hang the dumbbells underneath you, keeping your elbows slightly bent, and squat down until your core is nearly parallel to the ground.
  • After that, extend both dumbbells to your sides in an arc until your upper arms are parallel to your torso.
  • At the top, pause for a little moment before dropping the dumbbells back to the starting position.

11. Overhead Press

The overhead press helps to build your shoulder muscles. This workout is performed while standing and carrying the barbell overhead. This one is one of the best exercises for developing a large, muscular shoulder.

How do you perform an overhead press?

  • Hold the bar slightly wide while ensuring that your shoulders are wide apart.
  • Take a deep breath, and unrack the bar from where it is placed.
  • Take a few steps away from the rack while letting the bar rest against your front delts.
  • Exhale a bit and lift the bar above your head.
  • Breathe in, and then bring the bar back to your shoulder level.

12. Dumbbell Pullover

This workout is relatively easy and doesn’t require much effort from you. You will need a single dumbbell and a mat to start the workout. 

How do you go about this workout?

  • You will have to lie flat on the ground with your legs raised, and your knees bent, parallel to the floor.
  • Hold the dumbbell by the ends with both hands, arms straight toward the ceiling. Put your back on the floor by engaging your core. This will be your starting point. 
  • To descend the dumbbell to the floor over the head, bend the elbows at a 45-degree angle while pulling the arms back. Reverse the movement to start over while maintaining control.

13. Push Up

Push-ups are arguably the most straightforward shoulder exercise available, and they are still one of the best things to add to your workout. 

The beauty of this workout is that it doesn’t need any special gym tools to be executed and can be done almost anywhere.

It’s important to note that there are various push-up variations, each of which offers unique advantages. The following push-up variations are the best for your shoulders:

Regular Push-Up

Although you may have performed hundreds of regular push-ups in the past, usually as a chest exercise, this exercise has some significant underlying benefits for your shoulders. 

Get down on all fours, extend your legs backward, and lower your upper body until your back is flat. Slowly put yourself to the ground while using your elbow joint as a pivot point, then press your body upward.

Diamond Push-up

To be able to perform a diamond push-up, you must start with your hands close together in front of your face. From this point, your lateral deltoid and outer arm get more tension.

Wide Stance Push-Up 

This variation places extra attention on the pectoral muscles and inner shoulder muscles by having you spread your hands farther apart.

The incline Push-up

This particular push-up requires you to use a bench. You will then place your legs on it to give you a greater downforce. This push puts more stress on your front deltoids.

Pike Push-Up

To carry out this push-up, your body has to be in a high position and then take the form of an inverted V-shape. This push-up puts heavy intensity on your front deltoids and pectoralis muscles.

14. Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

This is another workout that can help to build your triceps. It is almost similar to that of the skull crushers workout, only that this barbell lying triceps focuses on all three muscle fibers in your triceps area.

You will require the barbell equipment to get maximal results from the workout.

How do you perform this workout?

  • You will have to lie on a bench and put your head close to the edge. Hold the barbell tight and then lift it in straight arms above yourself.
  • Bring the barbell down behind your head. Also, try to keep a distance between your elbows.
  • Repeat the motion, then raise your arms once more.

15. Reverse Cable Crossover

This well-known shoulder workout requires two cable machines, and D-handles attached to the higher pulley.

How do you perform this workout?

  • Hold the handle with your left hand from the machine to your right, and vice versa.
  • Keep your elbows firmly in place, and your arms parallel to your shoulders as you draw the wires in until they form a cross on your chest.
  • Lean slightly forward and raise the weights on each machine in a cross shape, extending your arms as far as the cables will allow you to pull them back in.

The advantages of combining chest, shoulder, and triceps exercises

You will notice from the abovementioned workouts that each workout requires all three regions. This is because these muscles are used in pushing movements. 

The following are the reasons for training all three muscles simultaneously:

Firstly, when you train a particular muscle in the shoulder, chest, and triceps region. You, in some way, train the other muscles. For example, you can be training your chest and invariably training your delts and, in many cases, your triceps.

This is why you must carry out workouts to help build each of them simultaneously.

Secondly, you can work out your chest, shoulder, and tricep muscles more regularly without getting tired when you build them all together. Unlike when you have to work on each one separately. Of course, during the sessions, there is some overlap between the muscles, but not as much from workout to workout. 

For example, during your back and biceps workout, as well as your leg workout session, your chest, shoulders, and triceps will receive a break. 

You can choose to work on your chest, shoulder, and triceps muscles on the first day. Then do a workout for your back and biceps on the second. Lastly, you can decide to create a timeline that you follow during your workout session. The last day can be focused on your leg muscles.

How Many Chest and Triceps Exercises Should you do?

This majorly depends on the number of days you will be visiting the gym and the number of sets and reps you do per session. 

However, the average standard of training your chest and triceps is twice weekly. Then you can pick different variations of workouts per session.

Lastly, beginners should plan on doing four total chest and triceps exercises per session. Advanced lifters can aim for six to seven.

How many repetitions and sets are recommended?

It is hard to give a particular range, but 3-4 reps are enough. However, reps might change depending on the number of heavy presses, accessory work, and isolation exercises.