Have you tried to bulk up through the triceps workout, only to find you were unsuccessful? Or, maybe you have avoided it thinking you would be unable to achieve your goal because it requires too much time or work. Well, it’s time to give it a try if it’s your first time or try again if you’ve attempted to do so before. 

Chest triceps workouts are very important for bulking up and building muscle and arm strength. There are many different exercises that can be done to work the chest and triceps. In this article, I am going to go over some of the best chest triceps exercises that you can do.

Chest Triceps Workouts: Why You Should Be Doing Them?

In today’s world, it is not enough to just have a strong back and bicep muscles. Most people want a well-rounded body with strength in all areas of the body. That is why many people are turning to chest triceps workouts as an addition to their regular routine.

The Importance of Chest triceps Workouts

For most people, this is a common question – why should I be doing chest triceps workouts? The answer is simple – because they work! They work by targeting two major muscle groups in your body – the chest and arm groups. The aim?

To help build muscle and arm strength and also assist with bulking up. 

This article will help you learn how to perform the triceps workout routine correctly and give you some exercises that you can use to bulk up.

16 Chest triceps Workout routines

1. Rope Pressdown:

When it comes to bulking up, there are a lot of options that one can take. One such option is to try Rope Pressdown Chest triceps Workout Routines. These exercises are helpful in the development of the chest and triceps muscles.

It is one of the best exercises that can be done in the comfort of your own home. You can do it in any room with an open space, but it’s best to do it in the corridors because there won’t be any distractions like TV or pets. All you need is a rope, a chair, and a bench.

It might take some time to get used to this exercise, but once you get the hang of it, you will see some amazing results.

The first step is to hold a long piece of rope in both hands, with the ends secured on either side of a bench or chair. Sit down on the bench with your back against the backrest. That way, the middle of the rope rests on your lap. Now place your hands on either side of the middle of the rope, just above your knees.

Now lean forward and place both elbows on top of your thighs so that they are parallel and about an inch away from each other. Your forearms should be perpendicular to each other at this point. Now pull down firmly on both ends of the rope until it’s taut, then push up again until it’s slack. 

2. Bench Dips:

Bench Dips Chest Tricep Workout routines are wonderful exercises to gain arm strength and bulk up your chest and triceps.

It can be done with or without weights, but it is recommended that you use weights for maximum benefits. You can also do bench dips on an exercise ball to make them more challenging.

They can be done by sitting on the edge of a bench with your hands touching the ground in front of you.

You can either use a bench or the edge of a chair to perform this exercise.

The bench dip chest tricep workout routine is as follows:

  • Put your hands on the edge of the bench and place your feet on the ground, with your knees bent and feet flat.
  • Slowly lower yourself down until your elbows reach 90 degrees, then push back up and repeat.
  • Repeat this process for 3 sets of 8 repetitions each, with 30 seconds rest between each set.

3. Overhead Triceps Extension:

The Overhead Triceps Extension Chest Tricep Workout routine is one of the most effective ways to build up your arm strength. This workout is recommended for people who are looking to bulk up and gain weight in their arms. 

  • The first exercise for this routine is to do an overhead triceps extension with a dumbbell. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and place the weight on the floor beside you. Pick up the dumbbell with both hands, raise it over your head and then bend forward at the waist until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles. Extend back up to the starting position and repeat 10 times.
  • The second exercise for this routine is to do a chest press with a barbell. Sit on an exercise bench or chair, grab hold of a barbell, lie down on it so that it rests across both shoulders, and then lift your chest off so that you can grip it at either end using your palms.

The overhead triceps extension chest tricep workout routine is one of the best exercises for bulking up your arms and chest muscles.

The triceps muscle is the muscle in the back of your arm and is responsible for straightening your arm. The triceps extension is a weight-training exercise that targets this muscle. It is an excellent workout that is designed for those who have limited time in their schedule or those who don’t have access to equipment.

4. High-Angle Face Pull Chest Tricep Workout routines for bulking up

The high-angle face pull chest triceps workout routine is an effective way to build up arm strength and muscle. It is a great alternative to the bench press as it works the chest, arms, and back muscles.

These types of exercises are especially good for beginners who don’t have any idea how to train their arms. They will be able to get started with it pretty quickly and easily.

The high-angle face pull chest triceps workout routine can be done at home or in the gym. It is a simple three-exercise workout that only takes about 10 minutes to complete. And all you need are two sets of dumbbells and an exercise mat for comfort.

This workout routine will help you build up your arm strength and muscle in just 10 minutes per day!

You can perform this exercise with the steps below:

  • Place a resistance band around your feet and stand in a staggered stance with one foot in front of the other
  • Grab onto the resistance band with both hands, keeping your arms straight, elbows locked, and hands at eye level.
  • Pull the band forward while keeping your arms straight until they are parallel to the ground.
  • Pause for a second, then return to starting position

5. Push Up:

The pushup is one of those universal exercises that’s been around for many years. It has been relied upon by men across multiple generations. And even today, it’s still so relevant.

Pushups are often used to measure upper body strength, especially for military personnel and athletes. Such has been its popularity.

Interestingly, it is one of those exercises that can be done anywhere with minimal equipment. It can be done on the ground or an elevated surface, such as a bench or chair.

Pushups can also be modified to make them easier or harder by changing their form, adding weight, or using an elevated surface.

There are many different variations of pushups that you can do to target the chest and triceps. Here is a list of some of the most popular ones:

  • Regular Pushup: This is the classic pushup that targets your chest and triceps. It’s also one of the easiest variations to do, so it’s perfect for beginners.
  • Wide Pushup: This variation targets your chest, back, and shoulders more than regular pushups, which means it will be more difficult for you to do them.
  • Diamond Pushup: This variation requires you to place your hands together in a diamond shape, increasing difficulty due to increased stability requirements.
  • Double Diamond Pushup: If you think the diamond pushups were hard, then you should brace yourself because this variation is even harder.

6. Barbell Bench Press: 

The barbell bench press chest tricep workout routine is designed for bulking up, so it will focus on building strength in the chest, arms, and back.

It is a compound movement that works on the chest, triceps, and shoulders. The barbell bench press can be used as a part of a bulking-up routine.

You can do this exercise with just your body weight, but it’s more challenging when you use a barbell.

The barbell bench press is one of the most popular exercises in gyms around the world. It targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders at once and can be used in combination with other exercises to build muscle mass.

To perform the Barbell Bench Press, the following steps are essential:

  • Step 1:  you will need to lie on a flat bench with your feet on the ground or slightly elevated on another weight plate or platform.
  • Step 2:  You should also have a barbell set up vertically behind your neck so that it rests against your back without touching it.
  • Step 3:  Your hands should be gripping the bar poles shoulder width apart so that they are just outside your shoulder blades with your elbows pointing outwards away from each other.
  • Step 4:  The next step is to lower the weight to the center of your chest (Note: Ensure the bar should travel in a slight arc forward so it will reach the center of your chest.)

Step 5: When the bar has reached your chest, lift the weight back up and exhale at the end of each repetition.

7. Dumbbell Bench Press:

The dumbbell bench press is great for building up your chest, triceps, and arm strength. This is because it works the muscles in different ways, which helps to improve their flexibility and strength.

This exercise can be done any time of the day, but ensure you have a good grip on your dumbbells first. The key to this exercise is to make sure you are lifting heavy-enough weights that will challenge you but not so heavy that they put too much strain on your joints or back. Ensure you don’t overdo it. Else, you may end up hurting yourself.

Here are some dumbbell bench press workouts to try out:

  • 3 sets of 10 reps with 60% weight of your 1RM (one rep max)
  • 3 sets of 15 reps with 45% weight of your 1RM
  • 3 sets of 20 reps with 30% weight of your 1RM
  • 3 sets of 25 reps with 20% weight of your 1RM

8. Kneeling Rope Pressdown:

The Kneeling Rope Pressdown Chest Tricep Workout routine is a good exercise for bulking up because it works the chest and triceps muscles together at the same time. This makes your arms stronger in general.

It can be done by using a rope or a towel, but it is more difficult with the rope. By using a rope, you can easily change the resistance and make it easier or more difficult to perform.

This workout routine should be completed three times per week, with at least one day of rest between workouts.

The first step is to find a kneeling rope. The kneeling rope can be found at any sporting goods store or online. Next, you need to find a sturdy bench, chair, or box. This will be your starting position for this exercise, so make sure that it is stable and not slipping or moving around when you are on top of it. 

You will want to stand in front of the bench with your knees on the ground in front of it and your hands resting on the back of it. 

Place your chest against the bench’s front edge and then place your hands behind you with elbows bent and palms facing forward.

 Next, lean forward at the hips until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles, then press down with both hands while keeping elbows bent at 90 degrees and squeezing shoulder blades together as if you were trying to touch them together behind you.

9.  The Oblique Twist:

The OBLIQUE TWIST chest tricep workout is one of the best workouts for the chest and triceps. This workout is usually done with dumbbells, and it is a high-intensity workout.

This exercise targets your chest, shoulders, arms, and back muscles. It also targets your triceps, which are located on the back of your arm just below your shoulder. The OBLIQUE TWIST chest tricep workout will help you bulk up by building muscle mass in these areas.

The Oblique Twist Chest Triceps Workout

  • Start off by doing 10-15 reps of bench press, with weight on your shoulders or barbell at your chest, whichever you prefer. Make sure to keep the elbows close to the body and the back straight.
  • Do 10-15 reps of shoulder press using dumbbells or a barbell, with weights in each hand and keeping them at shoulder height.
  • For this exercise, you can do either a skullcrusher or close grip bench press for 10-15 reps on each side (left and right).
  • Finish off this workout with 10-15 reps of tricep dips on parallel bars or a bench if you don’t have access to those bars nearby, making sure to use as much weight as possible in your hands while keeping elbows close to your sides

10. Incline Barbell Bench Press:

The incline barbell bench press is a variation of the standard barbell bench press. It differs by having the lifter lie on a bench at an incline of 30 degrees or more rather than lying flat on their back. This angle puts more emphasis on the upper chest and triceps muscles. The lifter can also use dumbbells instead of a barbell to change up the exercise’s intensity and focus on different muscle groups.

The incline barbell bench press is a great chest and triceps workout routine for bulking up.

  • Lie down on an incline bench with your feet flat on the floor, your back flat against the bench, and your head and shoulders at the top of the bench.
  • Grab a barbell from the rack with an overhand grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Hold it in front of you at arm’s length and unrack it so that it rests on your thighs just above your knees.
  • Position yourself so that you are facing away from the weight stack, then pull the barbell off your thighs by extending both arms over your chest until you stand erect with it in front of you. Lower it to just above waist height by bending at the elbows.

11. Decline Bench Press:

Decline bench press workout routines are really good for those who want to bulk up and build muscle in their upper body. The decline bench press will help you build strength in your arm muscles and increase your muscle size. It is also a great way to isolate your chest muscles while working on your triceps.

When you are in the gym, you need to know the right technique to do this exercise. Doing incorrectly can lead to injury and will not help you bulk up.

The decline bench press is a great alternative for those who have trouble doing a regular bench press due to shoulder issues or other injuries.

  • Choose a weight that allows you to maintain good technique throughout all sets and repetitions.
  • Lie face up on a decline bench with your feet anchored securely under the foot roller pads and your back in contact with the bench.
  • Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine. Your shoulder blades should be slightly down and back, and your upper back should remain tight and stable throughout the entire set.
  • Grab the barbell with a wide grip slightly wider than your shoulders and rotate your shoulders outward to engage your lats.
  • Lift the barbell off the uprights and slowly lower the barbell towards your lower chest by bending your elbows.
  • Lower the barbell until your upper arms align with your back, and the elbows should be at a 45-degree angle. Hold on for a moment at the bottom position.
  • For the upward movement, squeeze your chest and begin to straighten your elbows.
  • Squeeze your chest and triceps at the top of the movement while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Do the desired amount of repetitions for each step.

12. The dumbbell chest flyes:

 The dumbbell flyes workout routine is a simple yet effective exercise that can help you build muscle and get stronger.

It is one of the best workouts for bulking up your chest and triceps.

This workout routine includes three different variations of dumbbell flyes.

Each variation targets different parts of the chest and triceps, so it’s important to do them all to get a full-body workout.

All three variations are done with a bench or chair for support, but if you don’t have either, you can also do them on the floor.

Here’s how to perform each variation:

First variation>Regular dumbbell fly:

The equipment needed for Regular dumbbells are a set of 2 dumbbells, and a flat bench.

  • Incline the bench slightly and lie flat on it. Afterwards, spread your two legs on either side of the bench in a way such that the bench extends beyond your legs.
  • Keep your back and head positioned from start to finish.
  • If you cannot pick the dumbbells up by yourself, tell the spotter to assist you and placing one in each hand.
  • Now, lift your two arms up above the head as if you’re trying to raise them. But make sure the arms aren’t locked out. You should notice a bend in your elbows and palms as you do this. Also, the two dumbbells should be facing each other at this point.
  • Take a deep breath (in) and slowly bring the dumbbells towards your chest in an arc motion. You should have your arms extending out, but make sure they aren’t locked out. Also, make sure your arms aren’t dropped below your shoulder level.
  • Now, release your deep breath (out) and slowly press the dumbbells in an arc motion like before.

Do this 10–15 reps. Rest. And do 3 sets total.

Second variation>Incline bench dumbbell chest fly:

The equipment needed is also a set of 2 dumbbells with an inclined bench.

  • Begin with your back flat on an incline bench lowered to 30 degrees. Handle one dumbbell in each hand.
  • Let your arms be chest level at your sides, elbows bent and pointing out.
  • And slowly exhale and lift your arms above your chest.
  • Inhale and gently lower your arms to your sides to the starting position.
  • Press up continuously and perform 10–15 reps. Perform 3 sets.

Third variation>Standing chest fly:

It is impossible to do a chest fly standing with dumbbells because gravity turns it into a shoulder exercise. So to do a standing chest fly, it is a must you do it with a resistance band, weight machine, or cable machine.

The equipment you need for this exercise is 2 resistance bands.

  • Start by standing with your feet in a split position, your knees slightly bent, and your hands holding the resistance bands.
  • Raise your arms to chest level and have your palms facing each other.
  • Extend your arms to the sides.
  • Now, bring those arms back to the center and repeat the procedure 10–15 times. In total, do 3 sets.

13. The Machine Dips:

The machine dips are a great exercise to build up the chest and triceps muscles. When you do them, it is important to keep your back straight and use only your body weight.

Start off with the weight you are comfortable with, and gradually increase it as you grow stronger. – 3 sets of 8 reps – 3 sets of 10 reps

In order to do this workout routine

  • Sit down properly on a dip machine. Grasp a weight and grasp its handles firmly.
  • Ensure to keep your elbows close to your body, and they should be bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • As you exhale, contract your triceps and extend your arms down. As you contract the triceps, extend your arms downwards as you exhale. Tip: At the bottom of the movement, focus on keeping a little bend in your arms to keep tension on the triceps muscle.
  • Pull your arms back to the starting position as you inhale.
  • Do all the steps accurately for all the desired number of repetitions to get the best out of the workout routines.

14. Machine flyes (set at 90 degrees):

The best workout for the chest and triceps is a machine flyes (set at 90 degrees) chest triceps’ workout routine.

It is the best because it targets both muscle groups simultaneously. It also provides a challenging exercise with an increased range of motion, which is important for those who want to bulk up.

This is how to use the Chest fly machine to get the expected result and avoided injury at the gym.

  • Decide the machine’s weight.
  • Sit down on the platform with your feet flat on the ground and firmly press your back on the platform’s backrest.
  • Hold the machine’s handles in each hand. The pec deck may have a resting pad, depending on the model. Put your forearms on each pad if that applies. 
  • Let your hands be at chest level while bending your arms at a 90° angle, and draw your arms towards your body.
  • While tightening your pectoral muscles and holding the pec deck handles, pull the handles or arm pads up to your chest, hold on for a moment, and then slowly return to the starting position.

15. Overhead Triceps Extension:

The Overhead Triceps Extension targets your triceps and other muscle groups in and around the back of your arm. It also works out your chest muscles, which are located in front of your arm. This exercise is a great way to get at both muscle groups (triceps and chest) in one workout session.

The overhead triceps extension is a popular exercise among bodybuilders, and this exercise can be done with an EZ bar, cable machine, or dumbbells. It should be performed for 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

To perform this exercise, you should follow the steps below:

  • You can start by standing or sitting and holding the weight overhead by grasping the inside dumbbell plate surface with both hands or grasping the handles of any equipment used.
  • Bend your elbows and lower the weight behind your head as far as you can.
  • Keep your trunk upright and your core engaged, and the weight should follow the right path of your spine.
  • So, at the lowest point, straighten your elbows and extend the weight back overhead.
  • Hold on at the fully extended position for a moment, then do the repetition.

Start with a lightweight and do 10 reps of the exercise on each side. Then, increase your weight by 5 pounds and do 8-12 reps of the exercise on each side.

Don’t forget to stretch out your chest muscles after you are finished!

16. The Lying Triceps’ Extension:

The lying triceps’ extension is one of the best exercises for bulking up because it works the chest and triceps at the same time. It’s also easy to do, and there are many modifications that you can make to change the intensity level.

This exercise is done by lying on your back on a bench or stool. 

  • Grasp a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing up, arms extended above your head with elbows locked. 
  • Keep your feet flat on the ground, bend at the waist and bring your torso down until it’s parallel to the floor. Extend your arms outward and lower them until they’re just below parallel to the floor (you should feel this in your chest).
  • Inhale deeply and then exhale as you extend both arms straight out from above you until they are fully extended but not locked at the elbow.
  • Return to starting position by inhaling deeply, then exhaling as you lower both arms back down towards your head, making sure that you don’t lock out at the elbow – make sure that you keep tension on them throughout this

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How many Chest and triceps exercises should I do in a day to bulk up faster?
  2. For how long should a chest and triceps workout be in a day?
  3. Which workout routine will build up Chest and Triceps Strength?
  4. What will be the result if you do a chest workout every day?
  5. Doing two or three Exercises, is it enough for the triceps?

How many Chest and triceps exercises should I do in a day to bulk up faster?

Due to the triceps being active on pressing lifts (and the fact that they’re smaller muscle groups), you should generally do more chest work than triceps exercises. As a beginner, you should plan on doing four total chest and triceps exercises per session. If you are an advanced lifter, you can aim for six to seven.

For how long should a chest and tricep workout be in a day?

Depending on volume and intensity, your chest and triceps workout should usually take between 60 to 90 minutes. Limit your rest between sets to 30 to 90 seconds to keep your intensity high.

Which workout routine will build up Chest and Triceps Strength?

Exercises such as the bench press, pushup, and dip are excellent for developing your chest and triceps strength. More so, any exercises that require you to push or press something away from your body works your Chest and triceps.

What will be the result if you do a chest workout every day?

Working your chest every day will not help you grow. In fact, it will do the opposite. Muscles only grow while resting and repairing. Thus it’s essential to give your chest time to recover between workouts.

Doing two or three Exercises, is it enough to build and tone the triceps?

Two or three exercises are enough to work all of your triceps. The perfect combination is a pressing exercise (like the bench press) which works your lateral triceps’ heads, and an overhead triceps’ extension (like the lying triceps’ extension) which works your long and medial triceps’ heads.


A chest triceps workout will help you build muscle and get stronger. The muscles in the chest area are often neglected when people work out. This can lead to an imbalance in the body, which can cause back pain, shoulder pain, and other problems.

This workout is a great way to increase your strength and build muscle in those areas of your body. It also helps to prevent injury by increasing balance and stability.

If you’re looking to bulk up, these Chest triceps’ workout routines are for you, try them and have your best experience.