A well-rounded fitness program should include a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups. This is especially important for the chest and back muscles. Chest and back exercises can help you improve posture, relieve neck, shoulders, and upper back pain, improve breathing capacity, and reduce stress.

That is why Chest and back workouts are also an essential part of a weight loss program because they help burn calories. They can also strengthen the core muscles, which will help you to maintain proper posture.

Chest exercises can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Back exercises can help relieve back pain and prevent future injuries.

Finding a workout routine that is challenging but fun for you to enjoy the perfect lifestyle is essential.

In this article, we will give 23 amazing chest and back workouts that are perfect for beginners and those who are looking to get back into exercise. It’s also a great guide for those who have been working out regularly but want to switch things up.



Push-ups are one of the most effective exercises for building chest muscles and strengthening your back. It can help you to maintain a healthy posture and strengthen your shoulders, arms, stomach, and legs.

Usual push-ups work on the pectoralis major muscle in your chest as well as on the anterior deltoids in your shoulders. They work on the triceps muscles in your arms.

The usual push-up is a basic bodyweight exercise that can be done anywhere and anytime. As long as you have enough space to do it, you can do this technique for chest and back workouts at home or the gym.

A push-up is performed by placing hands on the ground, typically shoulder width apart, and lowering the body to the ground. The person then pushes themselves back up, returning their hands to the starting position.

Do note that you may struggle to complete 10 reps at your first attempt. Yes, push-ups can be that challenging. But don’t give up. You’ll find yourself smashing 50 – 100 reps with relative ease as you gain strength.


Wide-grip push-ups are a unique workout technique for the chest and back muscles.

A wide grip push-up targets the chest and back muscles while also engaging the core. This exercise can be done at home, in the office, or anywhere else. They work your pectoral muscles, as well as your triceps and anterior deltoids. The wide grip will help to strengthen your back muscles and improve posture while also working your core muscles by stabilizing your body. 

The wide-grip push-up is performed by placing your hands on the ground, shoulder-width apart, and positioning your feet between hip and shoulder-width apart. Once in position, you lower your entire body until your chest touches the ground. You then push yourself back up to the starting position.


The incline push-up is another exciting back and chest workout procedure. 

This exercise routine, also known as Pike Push-Up, is a variation of the traditional push-up, where your arms are not fully extended. They can be done by starting in the standard push-up position but with your feet elevated on something like a bench or chair. 

The key to this move is that your legs are straight, your arms are bent at the elbow, and you lean back as far as you can. This creates an angle that allows you to target more of your chest muscles than in a standard push-up.

Incline Push Ups are more difficult than standard Push Ups because of the increased angle that forces your muscles to work harder to maintain balance and stability while completing repetitions. This increased difficulty will lead to better results in strength training because your muscles have to work harder to complete each repetition.

Summarily, Incline push-ups are a great way to build strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps.


A unilateral floor press, or one-arm push-up as some people call it, is a push-up where you have the body elevated by one arm, and the other arm remains straight. The one-arm push-up is a more advanced variation of the standard push-up. It is more difficult to execute because it requires greater balance, strength, and coordination. 

This exercise can be modified by having the hand on the ground flat on the ground or have your fingers pointed towards your body.

It is a variation of a traditional push-up that targets more muscles in your upper body. It’s an excellent exercise for building strength and stability in your chest, shoulders, and back muscles. One-arm push-ups are also great for building balance and core strength.

The unilateral Floor Press is a great way to build endurance and strength in your chest, back, and arms and is also a good exercise for people who want to do a lot of pushups but have trouble with their wrists.

The main difference between this exercise and the usual push-up is that you are balancing on one arm instead of two.

When you do this as a chest and back workout technique, you need to engage your core muscles more than when doing regular push-ups because there’s more pressure being placed on your body.

This is why it’s important to keep your body straight throughout the entire movement so that you don’t put too much stress on any particular muscle group.


The single-leg knuckle push-up is one of the amazing workout techniques for building the chest and back. It can be done with one hand on the ground and the other in a knuckle or fist position or both hands in a knuckle position.

Upon the commencement of your first rep, make sure to cross one foot over the other and complete that rep using that particular leg. Once done, switch to the other leg and complete a set with that leg.

This type of workout can be done at home, and it can also be done in the gym. But regardless of your choice of location, one thing remains constant, which is: you won’t require any equipment to perform a single-leg knuckle push-up.

It is not just a good exercise for the upper body but also works out the core and improves balance. It works the pectoralis major, the external and internal oblique abdominals, the rectus abdominis, and the latissimus dorsi. 

This workout technique strengthens the serratus anterior muscles in your back and can be used as an alternative to regular push-ups for those with wrist or shoulder injuries.


The floating plank exercise is a great way to strengthen your back, chest, and core muscles. It is one of the unique workout methods to improve your balance.

This can be done by lying face down on the ground while holding yourself in a push-up position with your hands planted on the ground. You then lift your feet off the ground and hold yourself in this position for as long as you can.

You can also do this exercise against a wall or counter, which will help you maintain balance and make it easier for beginners to finish the workout without putting their feet back on the floor.

A standard plank position works the abs, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and legs.

This is a simple exercise technique that can be done anywhere. It’s mostly recommended for people with back pain because it helps strengthen your core and stabilize your spine.

The key to getting the most out of this exercise is to keep your body straightened throughout the movement. This will help you build strong muscles in the chest, back, and arms while keeping your core engaged to avoid injury.


This is a chest and back workout that can be done at home. It works at the anterior deltoids, triceps, and serratus anterior.

It will build strength and muscle in your chest, back, shoulders, arms, and abs. This variation allows you to target different parts of your chest by changing how far apart your hands are from each other. (The closer they are together, the more focus it puts on your upper chest). 

It can be done in a standard drive-up position, where you raise your hips as you push down toward the bottom. Lower your body in an arching stir so your chest scoops down near the bottom. Now, try to bring your hips down as you raise again on your arms.


This is a new technique that’s gradually gaining traction. In fact, trainers and fitness enthusiasts are starting to recommend it for people looking to work on their chest and back. It’s a great way to get your body in shape and healthier. This workout will tone your muscles while also strengthening them.

In addition to building muscle, these chest and back workouts will help you to maintain a healthy weight by burning fat. 

It is a great workout for those who have back problems or are recovering from an injury, and it can be done at home or outdoors. It takes about 15 minutes a day. 

It will help you feel better and look better too!

The star plank may seem like an easy way out when you’re at a loss for what workout routine to do next, but it can be just as challenging as any other workout out there. The key is that you have to focus on maintaining good form throughout the whole set of repetitions. 

This exercise can be done by getting into a push-up position, but instead of placing your hands on the ground, you place them on two sturdy objects like chairs, tables, or benches.


A burpee is a full-body exercise that consists of a squat, thrust, and push-up. Again, like most exercises in this article, it can be done anywhere. 

Burpee is the ultimate full-body workout, including a chest and back workout. The benefits of burpees are not just limited to physical fitness but also include mental health and emotional stability.

The ability to do a burpee is an indicator of how healthy one’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems are. It can help in weight loss, and it can also help with mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

This technique can be done in a standing position with bases together. In one smooth stir, thickset down and put your hands on the bottom, jumping your bases back into a plank, also down into a drive-up, and as you lift back over, jump your bases back towards your hands to thickset back over.


Another fantastic chest and back workout worth trying.

The clapping push-up helps build muscle in the chest, triceps, and shoulders.

The clapping push-up works by increasing the intensity of your workout and provides a full-body workout.

It strengthens your core muscles as well as your arms and shoulders. This is a push-up where you clap your hands before you come up, it can be done on any surface, but they are most commonly done on the floor.  

You can do these workouts in the comfort of your own home or at a gym. It doesn’t really matter. You can achieve all the benefits therein by increasing the intensity of your claps as you go through your reps. 

Besides its chest and back strengthening benefits, this workout also provides a full-body workout.


The Archer Push-up is a variation of the traditional push-up that targets the chest and back muscles. It is named so because it resembles an archer drawing his bow and arrow. 

The Archer Push-up can be done by starting in a high plank position, bending your elbows to 90 degrees, lowering your body until your chest touches the ground, and then pushing up to starting position.

Your feet should be together, and your legs must be straight. The rest of your body should then follow suit by bending down toward the ground while keeping your back straight (as if you were an arrow).

The benefits of this exercise are that it strengthens the chest, shoulder blades, triceps, biceps, lats, and abs. It also stretches out your pectoral muscles and anterior deltoids, leading to increased muscle mass and improved posture over time and being used as a warm-up for other activities.


Chest flies are one of the most popular exercises for building chest muscles. They also help to build your back and shoulder muscles.

It targets all the major muscle groups in the upper body, including your chest, shoulders, and back. In addition to strengthening these muscle groups, it also helps to burn fat and improve cardiovascular health.

If you want to get a good workout that builds muscle mass in the upper body without putting pressure on your lower back or knees, then do this exercise.

This can be done by Keeping your arms straight, lowering them with your chest, and repeating. A flat bench will hit your lower pecs; setting it to a grade works the muscles up top.

It is important to remember that you should always do this exercise with caution, especially if you have any injuries or pre-existing conditions.


Pull-ups are one of the best exercises to build your back and chest muscles.

They can be used as an alternative to push-ups because they work out the same muscles in your arms and chest. 

They help with weight loss by strengthening the upper body muscles and help with posture by making you stand straighter.

To get your pull-ups right, follow these steps:

  • Grip: Grab the bar with an underhand grip, wider than shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you. Keep your hands turned slightly outward so that your thumbs point towards each other when looking up at them. This will help you keep your elbows close in towards your body as you lift. Your chin should be level with the bar or higher throughout the movement (so that it doesn’t touch the bar).
  • Position: Hang from the bar with arms fully extended, then pull up until the chin is above the bar or at least parallel to it (chin must clear bar). Return slowly back down until arms are fully extended again. Do not swing or use momentum to move.


The guillotine press is a chest and back workout that targets the chest, shoulder, and triceps muscles. It is one of the most popular exercises among bodybuilders because it can be performed with different weights.

Guillotine presses are a great way to strengthen your back muscles by targeting your lats and rhomboids. 

The guillotine press can be done in a variety of ways. One way is to lie on your back on the floor and place your hands behind your head, with elbows out and making an L-shape. Then, you raise both arms up above your head and bring them down together, stopping when they are just about parallel to the floor. You then push them back up again, repeating this motion for as long as you feel comfortable.


The resistance band is a type of chest and back workout equipment that can also be used to build muscle and strength.

The resistance band push-up is a great way to work on your chest, back, and arms. It can also be modified for a wide variety of fitness levels.

A resistance band push-up is done by wrapping the band behind your upper back and around your hands and then lowering your body toward the ground while keeping your back straight. Then pushing up back to the starting position.

There are many benefits to the resistance band push-up. One of them is being able to do it anywhere with limited space requirements. Another benefit is that it does not require any serious equipment other than the bands themselves, and there are many variations of the exercise available. A final benefit is that you can also use the bands for other exercises like dips or rows. So, you see, they are not just limited to push-ups.


Standing chest press is a weight training exercise that primarily targets the pectoralis major muscle. It is a good exercise for those who have back pain or stiff back and want to do a workout that involves chest muscles. 

This exercise is also known as a push-up with added weight. It primarily works your upper body and core but can also be used as a warm-up for other exercises or as part of an upper body work routine.

The following are the steps of the standing chest press:

  • Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your abs tight, and your shoulders pulled down away from your ears. Your arms should be extended in front of you with your palms facing each other, holding onto weights that are at least 5 lbs.
  • Slowly bend both elbows to lower the weights until they are just above your chest, then push them up to return to the starting position. The movement should be concentrated in the upper arm, not in the elbow or shoulder joint.
  • Repeat this motion for 10-12 reps before lowering weights again and switching arms.


A TRX Push-Up is a type of push-up that uses a TRX Suspension Trainer as the base support, and it is a perfect workout technique to develop your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

The TRX Push-Up can be done in two ways:

  1. With your hands on the handles, use your abs to keep your body in a straight line and lower yourself down until your chest touches the handles. 
  2. With your hands on the ground, use the suspension straps to assist you with lifting yourself back up to starting position.


A dip is a common exercise for the chest and triceps. It’s a compound exercise that also works your shoulders, abs, and back.

Dips are a great way to build strength in your upper body. They’re also an excellent way to increase your core stability and balance.

Besides muscle work out, dips help with muscle building, too. Dips are one of the best exercises for building muscle in the chest, triceps, and shoulders. 

You can use regular chairs to perform a dip. You just have to make sure the chairs do not slide around.  

To perform a dip, get two chairs and stand between them. Position the chairs so that the seats are kept away from each other and at a length of about 20-inches apart.


The Sphinx Push-Up is a variation of the classic push-up. It is more challenging than the regular push-up because it works out the muscles in the chest, shoulders, and arms more rigorously. The Sphinx Push-Up also requires more coordination than a regular push-up because it includes a movement from one arm to the other.

The Sphinx Push-Up is an advanced version of the standard push-up that targets your chest, shoulder, and arm muscles while also requiring coordination.

It is performed by resting on the elbows, with the back and legs straight, and then pushing up to an extended position. The Sphinx Push-Up also involves contracting the abdominals while pushing up to help maintain balance.

 In addition, it can also help improve your posture as well as reduce shoulder pain caused by prolonged periods of sitting at a desk or working on a computer all day long.


The Grasshopper Push-up is a chest and back workout that requires no equipment. It can be done anywhere, anytime, and it is a great way to strengthen your chest muscles.

The Grasshopper Push-up also has other benefits: it tones the upper arms, improves posture, and strengthens the core.

It is a bodybuilding exercise that is a variation of the standard push-up and can be done in two different ways.

In the first variation, you position your hands on the ground at shoulder width and then lower yourself down to the floor in one motion. In this variation, your wrists are not bent, and you are resting on your palms instead of your fingers. You then push back up to the starting position with one arm at a time.

In the second variation, you place your hands together as if you were praying in front of your chest instead of shoulder width apart. This will put more emphasis on the chest muscles rather than the triceps muscles that are used when doing regular push-ups.


Decline push-ups are one variation of push-ups that also targets more muscles in the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

It is a fitting exercise for people who have wrist issues because it allows you to keep your wrists in a neutral position without having to do any wrist extension or flexion during the movement.

In this variation of the push-up, the individual places their hands on the ground behind their body.

It is important to note that this exercise targets different muscles than traditional push-ups. 

The decline push-up is a much more difficult variation of the standard push-up, so it’s not recommended for beginners.

The decline push-up can be performed with or without weights. It’s also possible to perform this exercise on an incline board if you’re looking for an even greater challenge.


The dumbbell floor press is your go-to chest and back workout if you need something a bit rigorous. The dumbbell floor press is an isolation exercise that targets the pectoral muscles of the chest and the triceps of the arms. This exercise also strengthens the core, shoulders, and upper back muscles.

It is important to note that this exercise can be done from different angles to work different parts of these muscle groups. And it is easier on your joints than traditional bench presses because you don’t have to lock out at the top of the movement.

The dumbbell floor press can be done in a variety of ways:

1) Flat on your back with knees bent

2) Flat on your back with feet flat on the ground

3) On an incline with feet flat on the ground


The Bosu Ball Pushups are an excellent way to improve your chest and back muscles. They also provide a great workout for your core and shoulders. It is also a great workout for people who have limited mobility or can’t perform traditional pushups because of their injury.

In addition to building strength, they can help you lose weight, reduce stress, and improve your balance.

A Bosu ball is a stability trainer that can be used for many different exercises. You can use it for chest workouts, back workouts, or even bodybuilding.


In the end, making your chest and back workout routine more efficient is not as hard as it seems. You just need to know the right exercises, sets and reps, and other information.

The chest and back workout techniques are very important for a bodybuilder. These exercises can help you to achieve the desired physique. Even if you’re not a bodybuilder, you can still benefit from having a broad, strong chest and back. So why not?

We understand that people interested in chest and back workouts sometimes don’t know what type of exercises to focus on or how to distinguish between exercises.

Well, that is why we created this article. In it, you’ll find plenty of workout techniques for each muscle group. We hope it helps you in your journey to becoming healthier and fitter.