Do you know that the forearms are an often-overlooked part of the body? They are often neglected in workouts and daily life, but they are just as important as any other muscle group.

The forearm muscles are a group of muscles that run from the elbow to the wrist. They are responsible for flexing the wrist and fingers, as well as rotating them. Forearm exercises can help tone and strengthen these muscles, which can make it easier to lift heavy weights or use your hands for long periods without experiencing pain or fatigue.

The forearms’ muscles help control your wrist, hands, and fingers. This is why it is so important to keep them strong for optimal function. Forearm exercises can also help reduce muscle soreness and improve grip strength.

Many people have the wrong idea about arm workouts. They feel that it is a waste of time and that they are not going to see any results. They are wrong!

This article will give you 15 forearm workout routines to blow up your forearms in four weeks. You will tone your forearms with weights and get stronger with arm day workouts.

The data shows that people who work out their forearms get better-looking and stronger hands than those who don’t. So, if you want toned arms that look great at the beach, this article is for you!

  1. Farmer’s Carry
  2. The Chin-Up Forearm Workout 
  3. EZ-Bar Reverse Curl
  4. Wrist Roller Forearm Workout
  5. Behind-the-Back Barbell Wrist Curl:
  6. The Plate Pinch
  7. Towel Pull-Up
  8. Fat Grip Biceps Curl
  9. Three-Way Chin-Up Hold

10.) Trap Bar Deadlift to Carry

11.) Zottman Curl

12.) The Crab Walk

13.)  Hammer Curl

14.) The Barbell Reverse Biceps Curl

15.)  The Farmer’s Walk

15 forearm workout routines to blow up your forearms

1.) Farmer’s Carry:

A farmer’s carry is a weightlifting exercise that strengthens the forearm muscles and tones the forearms with weights. It is one of the best arm workouts for strengthening and toning the forearms with weights.

The exercise can be done by holding a heavy object in each hand and carrying it around as if you were carrying two bags of groceries from your car to your house.

To avoid injury, it is important to use weights that you can handle without straining yourself. 

How to perform the Famer’s carry with perfect form:

Exercise 1: With your palms facing down, hold a heavy object in each hand and walk around for 30 seconds. Then switch hands with the objects and walk around for another 30 seconds. Repeat this at least 10 times or until you feel like you can’t do it anymore.

Exercise 2: Hold a heavy object in each hand and swing them back and forth as if they were pendulums, then release them to swing back to their original position, but don’t let go of them. Repeat this at least 10 times or until you feel like you can’t do it anymore.

2.) The Chin-Up Forearm Workout:

The chin-up forearms workout is a great arm day workout and an essential technique to blow up your forearm within four weeks. This workout is done by using the chin-up bars, and it targets the biceps, triceps, and forearms. It also strengthens the back and abdominal muscles as well as tones your arms.

To do this exercise, you need to have a set of chin-up bars. You can go to any gym or fitness center that has them installed. You will then need to find the height of the bars so that when you are in position with your palms facing away from you, your arms are fully extended. You should be able to feel a stretch in your biceps and triceps while doing this exercise.

3.) EZ-Bar Reverse Curl: 

One of the simplest Forearm blowing-up workouts routine which targets the brachioradialis muscle in your forearms is the EZ-Bar Reverse Curl. It is a forearm workout that strengthens and tones your forearms, biceps, and triceps. 

 It is a safe exercise for beginners, but it can be challenging for those who are more experienced. The equipment needed for this Forearm workout is Ez Bar.

To perform EZ-bar Reverse Curl with perfect form, hold the EZ bar in front of your thighs with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. While you breathe in, curl the bar until your hands are at your shoulders. Squeeze your biceps, then lower them under control.

What if you don’t have an EZ bar available to use, don’t fret. There is still a possibility to get great results with a straight bar. All you need is to pay a little more attention to your elbows.

4.) Wrist Roller Forearm Workout:

A wrist roller workout is a form of arm workout that really helps to strengthen the forearm muscles. The exercises that are used in this workout are very easy to do, and they can be done in the comfort of your own home or at a gym. 

Forearm muscle strength is important because it helps ensure good grip and stability when performing tasks with your hands. It also helps maintain good posture as it keeps the wrists straight, preventing them from bending back too much while they are blowing up. The muscles in the forearms get strengthened by using a wrist roller workout.

To perform this Forearm workout (wrist roller), these are the required steps:

Step 1: Get up on your feet and stand straight. Now, keep your feet apart – approximately shoulder-width apart – and your palms outstretched in front of you and parallel to the floor.

Step 2: With your palms still parallel to the floor, grasp a wrist roller and let the unwrapped roller hang loosely in front of you. 

Step 3: Now alternate each wrist, rotate in an upward position, and wrap the rope around the wrist roller.

Step 4: Once the weight gets to the top, reverse the movement to decrease the weight by rotating your wrists downward alternatingly.

Step 5: Repeat for a whole set.

5.) Behind-the-Back Barbell Wrist Curl:

The behind-the-back barbell wrist curl is a forearm workout that focuses on the muscles of the forearms. This exercise is usually performed using two dumbbells but can also be done using just one dumbbell. 

It is one of the best workouts for toning and strengthening your arms and increasing your grip strength. 

The behind-the-back barbell wrist curl works all three parts of the forearm, including the extensors in the back of the hand, flexors in the palm, and pronators in front of the hand. It works by flexing and extending at the wrist joint while curling a weight up to your shoulders. You can do it either seated or standing up.

By doing this workout within four weeks, this exercise strengthens your forearms by targeting your wrist flexors and fingers flexors.

To perform this Forearm workout (wrist roller), these are the required steps:

Step 1: Start by standing straight and preserving a barbell in the back of your glutes at arm’s size whilst using a pronated grip and having your hand’s shoulder width aside from every other.

Step 2: You have to be looking straight ahead whilst your ft are shoulder-width aside from every other. This is the beginning position.

Step 3: While exhaling, slowly bring the barbell up by curling your wrist in a semi-circular movement toward the ceiling.

Step 4: Hold the contraction for seconds and drop the barbell again down to the beginning function whilst inhaling.

Step 5: Repeat for the encouraged quantity of repetitions. When finished, decrease the barbell down to the squat rack or the flooring by means of bending the knees.

6.) The Plate Pinch:

You might not have known it, but the plate is one of the great exercises to strengthen the muscles in your forearms, and it’s also a great way to tone them. It can be used as an arm day workout or as a supplement to any other arm workout you’re doing.

The Plate Pinch can be done with either a light or heavyweight, but starting with a light weight is recommended to get used to the exercise.

The followings are the right steps to get the most out of this exercise:

Step 1:  Start by grabbing your weight in one hand and holding it at arm’s length in front of you. 

Step 2: Next, put your fingers together and turn your palm so that it faces away from you.

Step 3: Now slowly bend your elbow until your arm is parallel to the floor, then push back up until your arm is fully extended again.

Step 4: Repeat this motion for 8-10 repetitions on each side of your body, then switch arms, (you can do as many sets as you want to achieve desired results.)

Doing the exercise daily will help you get the desired result of toned forearms and strong muscles in no time.

7.) Towel Pull-Up:

This exercise is also known as an arm day workout because it works out many muscle groups at once and helps tone forearms with moderate weight.

This forearm workout can be done anywhere, anytime. It’s also a functional exercise you can do in your everyday life, such as when you are cooking or doing house chores.

It is a kind of exercise that can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common way to perform it is by wrapping the middle of the towel around your wrist and then pulling up on both ends until you are holding it straight and tight in front of you. You should then lower it back down to the starting position by bending your arm and lowering your elbow to your side.

The towel pull-up is a lot easier than it looks, so don’t be discouraged if you can’t do it at first.

8.) Fat Grip Biceps Curl:

This exercise can be done with any dumbbell or barbell and can be performed with one or two arms at a time. The primary benefit this exercise has on your arm muscles is that it strengthens them and tones them up.

The Fat Grip Biceps Curl can be used as a standalone arm day workout or as a part of an entire arm day routine. It can be done at home or in the gym. The only equipment needed are dumbbells and an exercise mat.

In order to do this exercise, you need to utilize the following strategy:

You need to hold onto two dumbbells with your palms facing up and grip them in such a way that your fingers are on one of the handles, and your thumbs are on the other handle. 

The weights should be in front of you, about shoulder-width apart from each other. Then, curl both dumbbells up towards your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body and palms facing down.

9.) Three-Way Chin-Up Hold:

Three-Way Chin-Up Hold is a forearm-strengthening exercise. It strengthens the forearm muscles and tones the forearms with weights.

It consists of three grips, all done in a row. The first grip is a wide grip, the second grip is an underhand grip, and the last one is an overhand grip. This makes it very challenging, as you have to change your hand position every time you perform the exercise.

The three-way chin-up hold can be performed with or without weights, and it can be done at home or in a gym. You can use any type of weight you want for this workout, from dumbbells to kettlebells, or even water bottles filled with sand!

You can do this exercise on any arm day workout, but it’s best to do it on a day when you are not using heavy weights or doing any other exercises that work the arms.

10.) Trap Bar Deadlift to Carry:

One of the best exercises for toning arm muscles is the Trap Bar Deadlift to Carry. It’s a variation of the deadlift, but it’s performed with a trap bar.

The Trap Bar Deadlift to Carry can be used with both arms, but it is more effective when used with just one arm at a time. It can be done by lifting the barbell from the ground and carrying it in front of you as if you are carrying a heavy box. 

The exercise can also be done with dumbbells or kettlebells for an added challenge.

11.) Zottman Curl:

The Zottman Curl is one of the best forearm exercises out there because it uses both weights and gravity to target all your arms’ muscles – including those in your forearms and biceps.

If you don’t have weights, you can use anything heavy enough to challenge yourself, such as a bag of rice or water bottles filled with sand.

The exercise begins with your arm bent at 90 degrees, holding a dumbbell in each hand. The palms of your hands should be facing toward you while you curl the weights up to your shoulders. You should then lower them back down to starting position and repeat this motion as many times as possible before taking a break.

To get a perfect arm, you should include Zottman Curl in your routine of exercises for arms day workout sessions.

12.) The Crab Walk:

The Crab Walk is a simple exercise that can be done anywhere, and it is a challenging arm workout that can be done in the comfort of your own home. It requires a surface for the forearms to rest on and the hands to hold onto. The person must then walk sideways, like a crab, with their hands and feet moving in sync.

It can be done on all fours or just two hands and two feet. To perform this exercise, start by getting into a push-up position with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Then walk your hands out as far as you can go so that you are now facing away from the ground and your body forms an upside-down “V” shape from head to toe. Next, walk your hands back toward their original position while keeping your body in an upside-down “V” shape from head to toe all the time. Repeat!!

This exercise is not only great for strengthening forearm muscles but also toning them with weights


13.)  Hammer Curl:

It is also known as an ‘incline dumbbell curl.’

Hammer curls are also a part of an arm day workout. The main goal of this workout is to get the blood flowing in the arms, which helps them grow bigger and stronger.

The hammer curl targets the forearm muscle group, which includes both flexors and extensors. The flexors are located on the inner side of your elbow joint, while the extensors are on the outer side. The hammer curl primarily strengthens these two types of muscle fibers because it places them under tension with resistance from weightlifting movements like this one.

It can be done with dumbbells or a barbell. The movement starts with the hands gripping the bar or dumbbells at shoulder height. The elbows should be locked and the back should be straight to avoid injury. The weight should then be lifted by curling the arms up until they are parallel to the floor.

It’s important to remember that this is just one exercise among many for toning forearms with weights and strengthening forearm muscles—so don’t overdo it!

14.) The Barbell Reverse Biceps Curl: 

The Barbell Reverse Biceps Curl is a weightlifting exercise that targets the muscles of the forearm. The exercise strengthens the forearm muscles and tones the forearms with weights.  

It also improves grip strength and builds muscle in the biceps, making it easier to hold heavy objects such as water jugs or groceries for a long time.

The Barbell Reverse Biceps Curl is performed by holding a barbell with both hands, palms facing down, on your thighs just past your knees. Then, you lift your elbows to roughly shoulder height while keeping your upper arms still on your thighs. You then lower the bar back to your thighs while bending at the elbows until they are close to parallel with the floor. You should feel this in your biceps and forearms during this exercise. Reverse, go slowly to the beginning role, and repeat.

Start with a weight about 10 kilos lighter than what you would use for everyday barbell curls.

It is one of the few exercises that can be done with just your body weight, which makes it perfect for those who are traveling or who don’t have access to heavy weights.

It also has many other benefits, including improving cardiovascular health and increasing bone density.

15.)  The Farmer’s Walk:

Farmer’s walk is a Forearm strength training exercise where you carry heavy weights in each hand and walk as far as you can.

This form of weight training strengthens the muscles in your arms and forearms. It is a challenging exercise that can be done with dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell.

The benefits of this workout are great for those looking to get stronger or who want to build muscle in their arms and forearms. Farmer’s walk will help you build endurance and increase grip strength and arm size. This workout is great for people who have desk jobs or those who have jobs where they don’t use their arms much on the job.

The farmer’s walk is a great way to invest in your health at no cost. You don’t need any equipment or a gym membership to do it!


Now that you know the benefits of working out your forearms, it’s time to move on to the workout routines. Forearm workouts are a great way to strengthen your arms and tone your forearms. If you do not have time for a full arm day workout, you can still get in a good forearm workout with these 15 forearm workouts.

We hope these 15 forearm workout routines will help you blow up your forearms in four weeks.